This figure describes our raw dataset
Now our data is almost ready
One-hot encoding transforms our data into binary - vectors which can be given to the algorithm.
We are using relu and the weight initialization technique is 'he_uniform' as it works good with relu activation function and softmax activation function is used in the output layer.
Now we will do the prediction of our user queries in and all the flask code is in
we have created restful API using flask and created a routing system. and it is also a dynamic URL. we will also convert the spaces in user query into + character.
Again the user query will be converted into binary form and the output will be given. Now we will select the class with highest probability.
As we know the correct class for that question so now we will collect the response from the intents.json and give it back to the user as a JSON object.
We have created a simple android app where the user can give voice / text input and then the string is used for API calling. All the networking part is done by Volley Library. And the result is displayed in the text view along with
the voice output.
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